Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Home is where the Navy sends you…

Most of you know the back story of Dan and me, but for those who don’t, here is a quick information dump that lead us to this point…

After what seemed like an eternity in Corpus Christi, Texas, Dan became a Designated Naval Aviator and we received our marching orders to finish training in Jacksonville, FL. Now at the time, neither of us knew anything about Jacksonville, other than it’s the home of the Jaguars. Yay, we get to trade the Falcons for the Jags! Not an upward movement, but we’ll take it. And we certainly did not anticipate falling in love with the city in such a short time span.

The way the P3 world works after training, is you can go to 1 of 3 places; Kaneohe Hawaii, Whidbey Island Washington, or stay here in JAX. After some VERY VERY long weeks of waiting, filled with trepidation and sleepless nights, I finally got a text from a few of the other wives of Dan’s coworkers asking if we knew our orders… Wait, they are in? Well they were, only Dan was flying at the time… How convenient! So about 3 texts later saying “you call me first when you land,” he finally touched down and called and we FINALLY heard those magic words: “You got your 1st pick.”

Which all leads us to where we are now—restoring our old 1924 American Foursquare 3 bedroom 1.5 bathroom house with 2,000 sq feet in the historic district of Jacksonville known as Avondale.  Back in July I woke up early one morning like I always do, and we had been keeping up with the real estate in the area, knowing if we got orders to stay we would like to purchase a house within Avondale. Well that morning was particularly special. A house that I first saw while we were back in TX but had gone off the market had been re-listed. It was like Christmas morning in the Baker household, for me at least! I am pretty sure Dan was more alarmed at how excited I was than his excitement towards the house.  But that didn’t matter, the contract had fallen through, and I was determined to talk to our realtor and see that house within that week!

The funny thing was that 2 nights before the listing, we were outside in the downpour from Debbie that left our streets flooded and 11 cars floating into our neighbors front yards, drinking with Belinda, our realtor who is also our next door neighbor, saying “we are just looking right now, but we will let you know when we might be ready to look at something.” Little did we know it would be later that week!

Now do not worry, I have not forgotten that the reason the house was back on the market was because the contract fell though. In fact we did some digging and it had fallen through 3 times! Ahh! So we made an appointment to walk through it that Sunday, and our game-plan was to be thorough and speculative; there had to be a valid reason why it was back on the market again and listed for $90,000 less than their original asking price!! Before we walked through the house, a white envelope showed up in our mail box containing the most recent home inspection. The inspector found “extensive termite damage” and “major structural issues.” Dun dun dun… So we decided to walk through with the mind set of ‘why we should not buy this house.’ After looking thoroughly and having a structural engineer in to give us a quote, and a new home inspection report done, we felt comfortable and decided to place an offer! 

We submitted an offer that next week with our realtor, Belinda, and made it contingent on us getting orders to stay in Jacksonville. So if we did not get JAX then we would walk away from the deal. A little worried that they were not going to accept the offer, we waited, and then they came back and were absolutely fine waiting a month for us to get orders! We finally got our orders in mid-August and closed on our new-old place on August 24th. Now it is time for some renovations to get underway!